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Longing for midnight sunsets and fresh breeze in my air. Blowing away all heaviness and worries. Yes, Iceland times have come to an end. And I am really glad that I made a decision to dive into this viking land, with my eyes and heart shining open. I cherish each and every moment of my time there. You showed me that wonders are as real as everything else in this world. I will always remember you, dear Iceland, as this is my love letter to you…

Before I left you, I wanted to see every piece of you. To make a memory from each part of your beauty. If you ever plan to go around Iceland you will definitely need a car, because most of the islands treasures are hidden, so you will need  4×4 car to help you reach those magnificent nature sights. Camping Iceland was the best choice for renting a car if you want excellent service, fast car and reasonable prices. Recommend! But now my, dear friend follow me to my journey of discovery around Iceland, where I made friends with wild horses, caught sunlight in black sand beaches and danced together with Northern lights.

N O R T H/ W E S T

Curvy mountain tops were covered with icing sugar, summer time sadness did not reach me here. Because with you it was just blissful feelings inside of my diamond heart. Movement is creating changes. World is being created from stable movement. Movement of pink clouds above the green earth, ever changing wind direction, each and every breath you take. I consume this violent beauty of Iceland. Nothing can compare with you. And I mean that, my love. We started our trip from Reykjavik up to the Westfjords valleys, where it was already starting to snow. We got into a snow storm. It was really long time ago since I saw the snow, it reminds me of purity and calmness. I found peace in the storm all around me. It ended where it all started on the Westfjords mountain peaks.

Iceland’s mountains giants live here. Near the cost line. Summer slowly is stepping aside as it was here just for small visit. This summer  was the coldest summer in Iceland since year 1918. Not bad. And I was so lucky to see it all. I had no idea that it should be better, I was just assuming that it is how it is. Seven sunny days in all summer. What to do? You learn how to create your own sunshine, otherwise you are in trouble. Wind is becoming colder and stronger then before. I can finally say that I have been literally blown away. Wind blew me off my feet as I did not understood why suddenly I am lying on the ground. At that point I felt so small and weightless. It was rushing over me 47 kilometers per hour. Wind is much more stronger up in the North. After I was blown away I tried to ground myself in the beach. Splashing sunlight traveled to kiss my cheeks and eyes.  Golden hour was close, so all the world could start to prepare for the color show. Atlantic ocean coast was covered with lonely sea shells waiting to return back to the water. Black sands are everywhere seems like eruption happened just yesterday. Golden sun is powering up the sky, making everything covered with pink, bright yellow, orange, gold and purple. I breath in fresh mountain air which blends together with ocean wave saltiness. I could write poems for you all day, every day.

Driving around Iceland is one of my favorite things to do. Natural bliss is sitting in your heart all the time. All parts of this island brings you different feelings and sights. For this nature wonder I have to thank you, my dear Universe!  You can see nature wonders as far as your eye sight can reach. That morning I woke up watching how Atlantic ocean water flows inland between two fjords, creating home for sea animals, while drinking my favorite drink in the world coffee. We stayed in Hotel Hvammstangi, which is located in harbor city Hvammstangi. My bed was soft as the first snow covering ground and my eyes were ready for more beauty as I can never have enough of you. I am amazed by different kind of rock formations in the middle of the ocean. We wanted to see Hvitserkur  which is 15 meters high monolith rock in the middle of the ocean. It looks like an elephant. One lady told me that those cliffs in the water are ancient sea animals, which have lived in the ocean long time ago. Well, it could be like that of course. After seeing you Iceland, I think everything is possible. On our way we found each other and hidden waterfall magic. And did you know that you can drink from them? It is the most energetically charged water what I have drank in my life. This part of Iceland astonishes me by the fjords who majestically stood up in the clouds, waiting for the sun to come down and play in their valleys.

N O R T H / E A S T

Our road continued more deeper in fjords, which were covered with rainbow rings and purity clouds. I think in Iceland sun is living in mountain valleys, drinking tea and tickling my soul with her light beams. This part of Iceland is changing so rapidly that at some points you feel that you are on different planet. We drove through one of the biggest cities in North Iceland Akureyri and it is just stunning, it is located in a fjord valley and it is known for the place where whales show up. Yep, biggest animals in the whole world. In Iceland I saw a whale for the first time in my life. And believe me the feeling of this marvelous creature makes you feel so much respect and honor for the living beings. As we need to protect them, not abuse them. Right?

Finally the sky become clear, and you know what it meant? That Aurora will appear in the sky. So we were really excited to see her come out. As it is truly one of the best sights what I have seen in my life. Imagine night becoming light in a split second. All the sky becomes pink, violet, golden, yellow, purple, she moves and changes. You just stop breathing so she could stay longer with you. But she does not obey to anyone as fast as she appeared she is gone again to another plain sight. Leaving you speechless and inspired as the rest of the Iceland does. In the North East part of Iceland you can find the largest and strongest waterfall in Europe Dettifoss. And be completely overwhelmed by it’s beauty. And in order to get there you have to go through “rock forest”. And these rocks are not usual rocks, but formed like hexagon. That, really makes me wonder about how all of these perfect geometrical forms can be created by chaotic nature? I mean, how can it be? Even when I am trying to draw perfect hexagon I fail first two times and here in front of me is a perfectly shaped huge hexagon rock formations, like what? More in North side you can emerge yourself in the waterfall of Gods Godafoss. The river has its origin deep in the Icelandic highland, it is 12 meters high and 30 meters wide. If you look closely enough water becomes turquoise green, creating huge water bubbles and then rushing further down the path. I sat on the edge of the cliff just to become more closer with your breath, please stay with me, I wondered as I so want to keep these magical moments close to my heart to cherish them when joy wave drifts away with the moon. To settle our memories we found a quite and close to the nature place to stay in Einishus Cottages. After long rides like this our body needs a good refreshing night sleep and a bubble bath. To sit in a cold night outside in hot bath, watching night full of stars is something to remember and love.


Are you still with me? Most probably a little bit overwhelmed, me too. I just have so much sweet memories of you Iceland. And as I start to remember there are new ones joining me. But I think I need to keep some secrets as well. Just like those to die for South coast sunsets or old Viking town surrounded by mountains which looks like horns. Apocalyptic feeling. When you are quite you can hear how ice is moving in the Diamond beach, which is home for seals and orcas. I think you felt that I will leave you. As the last night sunset was splashing sky with pink and purple clouds. Seals were swimming near to me and purest iceberg pieces was passing by.

Night was slowly starting to appear as in the beginning of my travels here there was no night, no stars, no moon in the sky. In my heart I felt ease for my life. I could hug the world and it’s living beings for their love to me. In Iceland I understood that Universe indeed is loving me to the fullest and it is up to me to see all of his gifts to me. Hey, Signij, look how this can be beautiful and now look here and then here. Everywhere. Never ending gifts of life. And one of the biggest gifts what I found in Iceland is my love. I fall in love with you, but this time it is so powerful that I felt dull after first seconds I saw you. For the first time in my life I was lost of words. And I never lose my words. So Iceland gave me you and her beauty for us both.  Sometimes you scared me a little, but I know you just wanted for me to see my true power. My universe has been blown up several times, creating a systematic errors in my brains from your raw beauty. Making me understand that all imaginable world is just out there in a plane sight.

In my last day you were calm. Moody, but calm. I will come back to you for sure, but know me&my love will leave you for some time. I know you will survive, you are strong. Thank you Iceland for these days, these moments which are so purely beautiful that you could find them in fairy tale books. And as you showed me, my life is a fairy tale. I want to thank all of  you people who helped me during my journey, my Portuguese friends Andre and Mariana, my crazy beautiful Polish girl Asia, and my Icelandic guide Jakob.


P. S. After my vitamin D reserves has almost ended, I need some sun and beach. Where I will go next? You will see as my fairy tale continues. 

I do, I do, I do believe in fairies 

From all my heart to you,


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